Monday, 30 January 2012

European Union


 The European Union is an economic and political confederation of 27 member states which have headquarters in the capital of Belgium,Brussels. It is a significant trading power in the world.The European Union 's development is closely related to European Community, developing through three main stages: Belgium,Luxembourg and the Netherlands these three economic Union, the Community and the European Union(1993).


                                                            The reason why the idea of a United Europe come about is that many countries were eager to creat a peaceful and prosperous Europe. In addition , they want to develop their economic stronger and create a single market with freedom of movement. Nowadays, it is the fact that European Union does stand for something important on the world stage.

     It was shown by the picture, we can find that the Structure of the EU.European Council as a central decision-making body of the EU.Council of Ministers can make a decision though the law.European Commission is a central administrative office . European Parliament directly elected for by member countries population on 5-year term.European Court of Justice ensures European laws are upheld. Judges appointed from each member state.

    The European Union is finally composed of 27 sovereign Member States in 2009: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Ppland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. 
There are 27 countries in the European Union, however, the major languages are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. They can communicate with each other easily in common language. They also use the same currency in some countries, which is Euro. In the end of the 2011, there are 17 member states have used the Euro.

     Britain plays an important role in EU, which influced a siginificant development of the EU. Britain joined in 1973, it did not like other countries succeed in joining in EU at the beginning because many countries diagreed.Today, UK also benefits EU development because of the  economic and  history of the Britain.


1 comment:

  1. You have researched the background of the EU, but you haven't mentioned the countries affected by the eurozone crisis
