Monday, 30 April 2012

The British Media - TV and Newspapers

The British Media - TV and Newspapers

What are the top 3 news stories on the following news channels today?

  • BBC News
1.Bahrain activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja wins retrial
2.London 2012: Five missile sites identified
3.England floods: Driver dies crossing swollen ford
  • ITN news
1.Roy Hodgson in talks to become next England manager
2.Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks cut 1,400 UK jobs
3.Flood warnings issued as rain persists
  • Channel 4 News
1.Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks axe 1,400 jobs
2.Hodgson in England manager talks
3.1948 Olympics 'no big deal' says veteran

What is the top story in the following newspapers online today?

  • The Guardian
David Cameron called to Commons to answer questions over Jeremy Hunt
  • The Sun
Wad a garden £1m RBS boss Stephen Hester opens his mansion to the public
  • The Daily Mirror
Horror at the hairdressers: Football agent arrested after his estranged wife is stabbed to death at beauty salon

 Choose one story, either from a news channel or a newspaper, make notes and write a short summary on your blog.

Rainfall statistics England floods: Driver dies crossing swollen ford
We know that the weather was terrible during these days in UK. Many areas has suffered from flooding. This news shows that A 52-year-old man who from the Middlesex area  has died beacause of the severe flooding. His car submerged at a ford in Hampshire. He could not be resucitated by Paramedics and he was pronounced dead at the scene.His dog also died in the incident.But luckily, His wife managed to swim free of the car and was taken to hospital and was rescued finally.



Tuesday, 17 April 2012

London riots

London riots

Last summer, London had a series of riots on August 6th, 2011, lasting for 4 days. It also influenced other cities, such as  Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool. People thought that there were many reasons behind last summer's riots, some people believed the essential reason were spending cuts,which cause poverty-stricken family can not live suitable as other people. Some individuals also thought the major reason is racism, this riot began because a police officer shot and killed a black guy within the black comminity. However, British government claimed this riot was based on youngesters, who lack of morals and education.

Google Maps Charts UK Riot Danger Zons policeman shot and killed a black man which seriously influenced the riots.Most importantly, young people lack of parental control of individuals may well be contributing factor in last summer's riots.Therefore, i think parents should pay more attention to supervise their children.
As i know, the majority number of young people joined in London riots. In my opinion, poverty was the main reason why most of them took part in this activity is that the government decreased allowance for poor family and increased tuition fee, which aggravated families' burden. In addition, i think another reason is beacause of racial discrimination, the riots were sparked off by police shooting a mixed-race man.the

We know that some of them who joined in the riots were quite young and others hadn't been in trouble before. But it is exactly destory British environment and reputation all over the world, althought they are young they also should get suitable punishments for the rioters.  I think community service is an useful and suitable way of punishing them. They also can help other people by community service, for example, they can go to the geracomium to help elderly people . They also can acquire more knowleadge and open their mind.Additionally, some of them also need to get a fine beacuase they damage public property and some shops.


