Tuesday 5 June 2012

The Welfare System and the NHS

The Welfare System and the NHS

We talked about the NHS - the advantages and the drawbacks of the system. How does this compare with the health system in your country?

The Welfare system isn't only about the NHS, it's about providing for those people who are in need because of unemployment, sickness, homelessness and so on. How does this system work in your country? What are the similarities and differences?

In China, Health System is developing rapidly.  Although it is not better than British, it has made great achievements and provided benefits to many Chinese people. If citizens have a job in a company, the company would ask them to buy medical insurance. The medicine fees will be discounted by the insurance about 20%off. However, Chinese health system also has some drawbacks, Chinese patients do not need to pay consultation fees to doctors so that many doctors prefer to ask patients to pay more fees of the medicine and miscellaneous income,so they may add some inessential prescription to people. Therefore, Chinese people might pay more money if they go to hospital.

There are five main parts of Welfare System in China, including the system of medical insurance, the old-age insurance system, unemployment insurance benefits, compulsory education, special policies for certain people.

old-age insurance system: elder people could get pension when they retired. If an old-age man did not have a job before or dose not have any children, they also could get financial aid from the government.

unemployment insurance :this system will alleviate the economic distress brought about by unemployment and to facilitate employment.

 compulsory education: The vast majority of children don not need to pay any tuition fees in the duration of the 9 years' compulsory education. They just only pay the fees of books.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

The UK as a diverse society

 The UK as a diverse society

Choose from the list of *useful websites* to research the history, culture and language of one of the many different ethnic communities in the UK and describe your findings on your blog.
Nowadays, the UK has become a multicultural country in the world, because a considerable number of  people have been coming to Britain from other countries since thousands of years.Althought Some of them only lived here for a short  and went back their hometown,while others decided to settle down here.Due to the fact that they could be suitable British environment and like this county's culture.

There are many various countries' citizens came to UK ,such as Caribbean, Irish, Jewish and South Asian. From the website, i get some knowledge ahout the Jewish people.

The first documented Jewish people settle down in Britain dates from 1066.
However, most Jewish people now living in Britain are descended from people who came from Russia and Eastern Europe between 1880 and 1914, and they mainly settle in Bristol, Gloucester, Lincoln, London, Norwich, and York .Today, about  267,000 Jewish people in the UK and overwhelmingly they are in London.
Culture:For Jewish people, they own a strong belief of religion. The weekly Sabbath rituals, the annual festivals, and the events in the cycle of Jewish life, celebrated in the proper manner, were all vitally important touchstones. There are many kinds of language in this  ethnic,including English, Hebrew, Ladino, Yiddish and Judeo-Arabic.



Tuesday 15 May 2012

The London Olympics

Answer all the questions on the handout, using complete sentences. Now put those sentences into one or two paragraphs and post this on your blog along with some interesting images to illustrate your text.


London 2012 Olympic is coming soon, and the Olympic torch was lit last week in Ancient Olympia. I was very surprised that the torch was lit by the sun, the flame is from the nature. the Olympic Flame will arrive in the UK on 18 May 2012, i think everyone is looking forward to seeing the opening ceremony and the match. I know that the first torch bearer in the UK is Ben Ainslie, who is the most successful Olymic sailor and won gold medals in Sailing at the Beijing 2008. There are 8,000 inspirational people who will carry it on its journey around the UK. In addition, the torch will be taken to reach the Olympics Stadium in 70 days . 
The Torch was designed by east Londoners Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, and they said that   8,000 circles Represent the inspirational stories of the 8,000 Torchbearers who carried the Olympic Flame .The torch'shape is triangular,according to London2012(2012)'
· The three Olympic values of respect, excellence and friendship;
· The three words that make the Olympic motto – faster, higher, stronger; 
· The fact that the UK has hosted the Olympic Games in 1908, 1948 and will host them for the third time in 2012; and
· The vision for the London 2012 Olympic Games to combine three bodies of work – sport, education and culture.'More interesting, that is its colour is gold which reprensents the brightness and the warmth of the light that it shines.

About the Paralympic ,the London 2012 Paralympic Torch Relay will begin in London ,
Greater Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh. There are two mascots in UK , 
who are called Wenlock and Mandeville.Why are they called these names?
Because in order to memorize the the Shropshire village of Much Wenlock and Mandeville’s name is inspired
by Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire.

The London Olympics

Monday 30 April 2012

The British Media - TV and Newspapers

The British Media - TV and Newspapers

What are the top 3 news stories on the following news channels today?

  • BBC News
1.Bahrain activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja wins retrial
2.London 2012: Five missile sites identified
3.England floods: Driver dies crossing swollen ford
  • ITN news
1.Roy Hodgson in talks to become next England manager
2.Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks cut 1,400 UK jobs
3.Flood warnings issued as rain persists
  • Channel 4 News
1.Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks axe 1,400 jobs
2.Hodgson in England manager talks
3.1948 Olympics 'no big deal' says veteran

What is the top story in the following newspapers online today?

  • The Guardian
David Cameron called to Commons to answer questions over Jeremy Hunt
  • The Sun
Wad a garden £1m RBS boss Stephen Hester opens his mansion to the public
  • The Daily Mirror
Horror at the hairdressers: Football agent arrested after his estranged wife is stabbed to death at beauty salon

 Choose one story, either from a news channel or a newspaper, make notes and write a short summary on your blog.

Rainfall statistics England floods: Driver dies crossing swollen ford
We know that the weather was terrible during these days in UK. Many areas has suffered from flooding. This news shows that A 52-year-old man who from the Middlesex area  has died beacause of the severe flooding. His car submerged at a ford in Hampshire. He could not be resucitated by Paramedics and he was pronounced dead at the scene.His dog also died in the incident.But luckily, His wife managed to swim free of the car and was taken to hospital and was rescued finally.



Tuesday 17 April 2012

London riots

London riots

Last summer, London had a series of riots on August 6th, 2011, lasting for 4 days. It also influenced other cities, such as  Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool. People thought that there were many reasons behind last summer's riots, some people believed the essential reason were spending cuts,which cause poverty-stricken family can not live suitable as other people. Some individuals also thought the major reason is racism, this riot began because a police officer shot and killed a black guy within the black comminity. However, British government claimed this riot was based on youngesters, who lack of morals and education.

Google Maps Charts UK Riot Danger Zons policeman shot and killed a black man which seriously influenced the riots.Most importantly, young people lack of parental control of individuals may well be contributing factor in last summer's riots.Therefore, i think parents should pay more attention to supervise their children.
As i know, the majority number of young people joined in London riots. In my opinion, poverty was the main reason why most of them took part in this activity is that the government decreased allowance for poor family and increased tuition fee, which aggravated families' burden. In addition, i think another reason is beacause of racial discrimination, the riots were sparked off by police shooting a mixed-race man.the

We know that some of them who joined in the riots were quite young and others hadn't been in trouble before. But it is exactly destory British environment and reputation all over the world, althought they are young they also should get suitable punishments for the rioters.  I think community service is an useful and suitable way of punishing them. They also can help other people by community service, for example, they can go to the geracomium to help elderly people . They also can acquire more knowleadge and open their mind.Additionally, some of them also need to get a fine beacuase they damage public property and some shops.




Wednesday 7 March 2012

about the team work activities

the team work activities
Write your comments about the team work activities from last week and this week. What have you learnt and what do you think you have achieved?

From last week to this week, we have already done a variety of team work activities in class. We are interested in these activities. Not only can we study together, but also we can share our ideas each other.

In my opinion, there are a considerable number of advantages of team work activity.During the period of the activity, i found that working together can create better decisions.If you do a task by yourself , you may not finish it as professionally as working with a team.

In addition, i think team working can improve the efficiency of the work. I have not to finish all the task by myself, and we can share ideas each other when we were doing the tasks.

Most importantly, individuals sharing their skills and knowledge to complete mutually beneficial tasks. It is enable to us to improver our English as well. For Chinese students , it is important for us to brush up our English by the team work activities. We have to  communicate with each other and describe something  in English more than before.


Saturday 18 February 2012


1.The Senedd, which was opened in 2006.

2.'devolution' is similar to 'transference', give power to the other one.

3.You can see some buildings when i was standing in front of the Senedd ,such as St'David Hotel and pier head and penth.
4.The reception area of the Senedd is situated on the first floor.

5.The funnel in the Oriel which is use for reflecting natural light downwards into the Siambr. what is more, the funnel is similar to a tree, visitors can share their ideas under this big tree.

6.There are many headphones in public gallery,  which be use for people who do not understand the language.Visitors could have it translated through their headphones.

7.Plenary meetings takes place in the Siambr on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

8.Firstly,the glass walls is convenient for visitors so that they can view plenary the meeting inside.In additon,Welsh people can come and listen to their representatives make decisions on policies.

9.You can buy many different kinds of  souvenirs in the Assembly Shop, such as Clogau gold, Melin Tregwynt, Penderyn and books .

I was very interested in visiting the Senedd on Wednesday.Beacuse it was the first time that i had seen the government orgnazing the meeting closely. That was amazing! In China , citizens have less opportunities to see the government's meeting like this tour.
